Because HUGGS can improve UGGS if they choose to innovate and give customers a choice. We want to show UGGS that fashionable boots can be made more economical and more beautiful, and they can feel better and be even more profitable when the hair is cut or shaved from animals without their skins.  We figured out how to shave wool and keep sheep alive. So, why can't we do this with others animals?  We can.  We did.  Here's how...

We came up with a very clever way using static electricity to get even short cut hairs to line up to make felt fur.  It's that simple!  We don't need the skin of the animal.  It's more profitable to reuse cut fur from animals rather than one-time use skin and fur from animals processed for their meat.  So what are we waiting for?  Taylor herself inspired this ingenious solution by getting electric on tour.  We love you Taylor.  Thank you for being such a powerful inspiration for the next generation.  Together, we can make the world a better place.  Love ❤️ wins.


We want to inspire the fashion industry with passion and purpose to make fur fashionable again and even celebrated if you give consumers a choice that looks better and feels better consciously without requiring animals to sacrifice their life in the name of boots or fashion.  

HUGGS is about giving consumers the option to tell UGGS what they love and prefer.  The purpose of HUGGS is to inspire UGGS to innovate.  We want to give UGGS our breakthrough in making fur felt from cut hairs that is more beautiful and more economical than pony calf-hairs attached to the skins of the horse that gave up its life for a pair of boots.  Fashionable fur and leather does not need to come from animals raised for their meat.  We can up-cycle fur by using fur from animals still alive.  Let's groom animals for their FURR instead of their meat and skins.

It's time to move past the caveman era and beliefs that fashion made with animal fur means the animal gave up its life.  Let's redefine FURR.  We figured out how to shave wool and keep sheep alive.  Why can't we do this with more animals?   We can.  We did.  Here's why...

Because people want conscious choices.

Because people love animals and want to live in harmony.

Because fashionable FURR can be conscious and celebrated.

Because it's easier than anyone has imagined.

Because we can redefine FURR as win-win.

UGGS is a leader in fashionable boots.  We want to innovate with UGGS and give consumers a conscious choice that makes their heart sing ❤️🎶. 

HUGGS could be a whole new product line for UGGS.  Boots made from animals still alive.  Give it a try said the heart 💞.

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