FURR is the obsolete word for fur.  HUGGS is redefining FURR to mean fur fashion made exclusively from animals raised for their love, not their meat.

FURR can be more profitable than fur since instead of one-time use, FURR offers products made from animals over and over again. Animals can be made worth more alive than dead when they continue to supply FURR.  Animals will be better groomed, better fed, loved and pampered for their FURR instead of meat.  

Someday, humanity will look back on all of its innovation and wonder why it took so long for the fashion industry to overcome its caveman tools and the assumption that fur must require the killing of animals.  Let's move forward and redefine FURR by innovating.  It's technically not hard.  It's a change of heart and a change in beliefs.  The customers are ready to wear their hearts ❤️ on their sleeves.  Are you?

If you want to be apart of HUGGS to redefine FURR fashion, write to us.

Or bid on our celebrity fashion made exclusively with FURR from their pets.

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